Thursday 6 August 2015


Hype :)

It's me again. Yealah, dah blog aku. Nak siapa lagikan. Aku jeala yang ada. Available selalunyalah. Well, be with someone who're quite busy, I'd have some quality time with myself. Kali ni just some stuff on what I feels so it gonna be quite silly. Haha.

I did try my best to understand. Beside me, those football things, Dota, games, friends, works and cases. I'm used to it since I'm an ex medical student. I still remembered how worst my days that time eventhough in Year 1. I couldn't imagine how it would be in clinical year. Luckily, u didn't shut me out. Still replying. Still hai hai-ing. Sometimes I think it's funny. We're texting just to say hai to each other. Of course, rasa terharu jugak. Aaaa, nomu kyopta.

Stay cute. Don't forget ur meals. Sleep whenever u got time. Finish ur cases. Read book. A lot of it and memorize it as usual. Enggan mengalah kan? Don't worry, I'm here. Jangan lupa ulat sagu kalau balik sini. Kita makan sama-sama.

Saranghae, Mr. AB.

p/s: purse yang hilang dipulangkan dan sebagai balasan i/c terpampang di kpb. Itulah careless lagi.

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