Wednesday 30 September 2015

Coretan Tak Mampu Tido

Hype :)

Jadi aku menulis hari ini kerana tak mampu tidur walaupun jam dah dekat pukul 2 pagi. Mungkin sebab roomate takde entah ke mana. Walaupun sukar berbicara sebab roomate aku orang Maldives dan aku pun memang kurang berborak dalam bahasa inggeris tapi both of us can get along really well so far ^__^. The warden be so nice, always asking whether I feels comfortable or not with my roomate. Thing that making me uncomfortable is that I'm on 6th floor but the lift couldn't work up properly and I've to walk and u could understand the rest of it. Hahaha.

Kalau nak comments and compare MAHSA JUC and MAHSA SPC, memang jauhlah bezanya. Tak kiralah dari segi public transport, lift, cafe, koperasi and etc tapi kena fahamlah jugak still under construction kan. Nak balik rumah pun fikir banyak kali sebab transport sangatlah limited tak macam kat JUC yang kalau boleh tiap minggu aku nak balik je kejenya ditambah pulak si Cikun yang memang suka balik rumah. Hahaha.
What else eh? I've such a momento with my cousin and Kak Abiey on the way to SPC. We going round and round and round like there's no end. Hahaha. Memorable gila kut. Haha. Nasib tak pening si Amber.

Oh! JUC stand for Jalan University Campus and SPC for Saujana Putra Campus. Living a life here are quite boring, to be honest. Since it always hard for me to get a click with a new friend at a new place. Someone like Syahirah, Yusyi, Cikun and Sofah. Someone who understand how sassy and crazy I could be. Plus, sometimes, I'm a little bit shy shy cat in the class. I tend to be missing after the class end. Balik bilik tidolah kalau kelas dah habis kan?hikhik Sometimes I just randomly talk someone who's sitting beside me. Whatever to please my own self.

Honestly, the hardest thing to control ever in history of my study process is to control my eating habit. I'm gonna end looking like a fat puppy if I don't strictly dieting. Look at those pau on my cheeks. Dahlah. Dah ngantuk pulak. Mohon boleh tidur dan mimpikan bulan biru. Kuih bulan pun okayyy. Sedap dimakan. Kbai.

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