Tuesday 10 July 2018


Hai earthlings,

It has been awhile since Im spending my time write up all the things happened. Since, I'm quite busy with stuffs and whatever is it, I rarely open up my laptop. Even my diary also facing the same things. Im just to busy with life.

Well, I have been away from my family since I was 13. Since that, I spent more time outside, exploring this huge world and wondering all the time. Im used to be so independent and straight forward. Im used to handle things alone since my father wont pamper me much if it is something I could handle by my own. My parents always told me that I've to do things for my own self satisfaction. Not because of someone else would praise me and award me if I accomplished things. I exploring this world without hesitation. I'd every single things I knew I could handle. I wouldn't started it if I couldn't handle it. That's how I am. The funniest thing when people told me, Atiqah u're such a strong girl. My dear, being strong isnt a choice for me. It's a thing I have to do. That's why, sometimes I can be seen as fearless and stubborn as hell. But the real thing is, it is something I've to live with. Without this, I will falls apart a long time ago.

Then, there's someone who come by. Someone who always pampered me. Always be there for me. Comes hell or high water, he's always there until Im being so comfortable with his accompany. With him, Im such a fragile person and such a crybaby. When my grandma passed away, that time we're both eating at our favourite place. I cried the whole journey but he never pause me. He told me that I've to cry to my heart's content so I wouldn't cry anymore. He's there when I couldn't sit for my paper and bring me to Zoo Negara. He's such a weirdo and I can't even forget it. It doesn't even make sense but he's so pure and care for me, make me falls for him more and more. All the sleepless nights. Both of us rarely have time to be dated at the malls. Most of the time, we're spending our time while working. He's the one who teach this coward Atiqah to drive around KL when I've already swore that I wont ever drive especially in KL. He makes me do everything I don't even want to try. My driving skills keeps improving nowadays but still can't beat his craziness. That's how our world is. We're abnormal since from the start. He's the one who knew that I would choose Paris over Venice and romance over thriller. He could read me like a book when we're talking.

I never imagined  how could I live without him and keep wondering why it didnt start from the time we knew each other. When both of us never go through things that would hurt us. When there's only Atiqah yang kuat tidur dekat koop and Zikri yang selalu ada dekat koop dengan board lk dia. Like all of us never know that he scored his LK for 100%. We do, abang. Please put ur board down.

Things may be hard these days. It could make us lose our patient and mind as well but I already told u that I will stay. U have my words. So take it easy. I believe that this will pass. Broken heart will be mended as well. The bleeding will eventually stop (since we have enough clotting factors lol). It will leaves us scars but the love we shared never gonna fades away. No matter how much we're gonna change. We might gonna trips and falls again but the things we have shared together can't never be understand by other. It's might be painful but we can't live without it. We're meant to hurts each other from the start and that's how we're made of. Still, I can't walk away. Still, I'm so in love with u eventhough both of us messed up pretty big this time. We're gonna fixed this Muhammad Zikri Fahmi. I wouldn't wait another time for us to cross each other path. As long we're both in this together, I wont ever give up.

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