Saturday 8 December 2018


Hye earthlings,

Since it's started of my semester so I'm have a little bit of free time. TBH, I'm not the type who care or can be bother about other people unless its related to me. However, there's time people really love to spent their precious time, being bother by my life. And even some of their stupidity level are unbearable until I couldn't helps to notice it. People please, stop being stupid and playing innocent card. I'm tired of this. Being stupid is bearable enough if it's not involving another people, but when other people gets into trouble because of your own bullsh**, then, u're just plainly assho** and bit**.

Aku kadang-kadang tak faham macam mana manusia tu boleh berlagak macam takde apa-apa padahal dia tahu, salah dia. Eh, kalau dah salah tu, mengaku salah, tak boleh ke? Lepas tu selindung bawah alasan, tak tahu. Kalau nak guna alasan tak tahu je, terbalik dunia ni. Please, don't play obvious card and thinks people are stupid. Hanya jauhari yang mengenal manikam. Kau expect apa? Alahai. Lepas tu lari. *claps* Tahniah, pengecut. Boleh tak kalau hidup dengan tak susahkan orang yang takde kaitan dengan kau? You don't even try to be honest about your feelings after all.

Let me fu** my own life la. You can go on do things with your life. Just don't interfere with mine. Mentang-mentang bodoh tu percuma, kau borong banyak-banyak pulak. Aku terfaktab betul sejak dulu asyik kena sailang je. Weh kaum hawa, kauorang memang jenis hati dengki dan busuk sejak lahir ke macam mana? Kadang-kadang nak bela kaum sendiri pun fikir 44 kali semenjak ramai sangat yang suka ambil hak orang ni. Geram I tau. I gigit sorang-sorang nanti baru tahu. Aku paling tak boleh blah, kalau kau sailang hak orang, tolonglah. Like capital TOLONGLAH jangan menyusahkan lepas tu. Serious talk. Banyak sangat kes macam ni aku dah tengok sampai aku fikir certain orang ni memang tahap bebal dan common sense diaorang ni memang down to earth ke macam mana? Kalau dia senang disailang, kau ingat dia boleh setia ke? Otak tu letak kat mana? People don't suddenly change macam kau tukar baju hari-hari.

Kalau kau tanya aku, what you should do? Eh, like, eh, eh, eh. Honestly, apa-apa pun kau sendiri yang lebih kenal diri sendiri. Know where's your limitations. Kalau aku dah fed-up, aku blah je. Nak buat apa tambah sakit hati, bukan boleh pain killer dekat farmasi pun. Usually, I really know myself. Tahap mana aku sanggup nak handle eventho some people say it's crazy. U know what? My specialty is being brave and my weakness is being stubborn. That's how I live my life. I'd involved with lots of people, hearing their complaints and stories, rejected some people that bring negativity into my life and learnt. Belajar selagi mampu. Ruang belajar tak tertutup dekat kelas je. And I'm blessed with people yang selalu encourage and give support to me when I wanted to learn something new. Sebab tu lah hidup aku selalu je busy sebab aku suka hidup ni busy so I don't really have time to spent to be sad for things I couldn't own. Balik bilik je dah penat, kadang-kadang nak pergi mandi pun rasa macam tak larat gila. Tolonglah jangan isolate diri kau dari dunia lepas tu bagi alasan tak tahu, Sebab tak tahu tu menyusahkan. Kbai. 

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